Call For Paper

Submission Types and Word Count

(1) Original research articles should be in length between 15,000-30,000 words, excluding the English abstract, appendices, and references.
(2) Book reviews: The length of the academic book reviews should be 3,000 to 4,000 words.
If the length and the format of the submission do not meet the requirements of this journal, it will be deemed unsuitable for publication. The submission will be returned without sending for the review process.


Manuscript Format
Manuscripts are required to be typed and written in accordance with the format of Mass Communication Research. The line spacing should be single-spaced, and the diagrams and annotations must be concise. The authors should indicate the page number of the paper, mark the chart number in the text, and add the chart title and data source according to the academic format. Contributions should include cover page, Chinese and English abstracts, main text, references, etc. To facilitate anonymous review, do not include text in the body that may reveal the identity of the author.


Format and Style:

(1) The format of the manuscript should be in Word file to facilitate editing.
(2) Contents of the cover page: Title of the dissertation and the names of all the authors in Chinese and English, institution, title, contact address, telephone, fax, email, acknowledgements, etc. Except for the cover page, the authors’ names should not appear in the manuscript anywhere for the purpose of blinded review (including the abstract page).
(3) Abstract page: article title, Chinese abstract (within 400 words, including research questions, purpose, method, findings, etc.), and Chinese keywords (within six). At the end of the manuscript, please include the English paper title, English abstract (within 200 words, which should be consistent with the Chinese abstract), and English keywords (within six).
(4) Manuscript order: Please include the cover page, Chinese abstract page, body text, bibliography, appendix, and English abstract page in the manuscript, and please include page numbers in order. The cover page and the third page after the abstract page are the main text, and comments should be placed at the bottom edge of the page, followed by the references and appendix.


Review Process

(1) The manuscripts are submitted for review without deadlines, except for special issues.
(2) Please email your papers to The submission will be sent to two or three experts and scholars for blind review in accordance with academic practices. The editorial advisory board of this journal reserves the right to decide whether it to be published or not. Reviews of the manuscripts, including requests for revisions, take three to six months on average.
(3) This journal only publishes original papers. Please do not submit any papers that have been previously published in any language in Taiwan or abroad; once found for duplicate submissions, the submission will be retracted immediately. However, in accordance with international academic practices, papers that have been read out in academic conferences in Taiwan and abroad are considered unpublished, which are welcome for submission.
(4) The book review manuscript will be reviewed by the editor-in-chief or a designated editorial board member, and then be published once approved by the editorial advisory board. It will not be submitted to other reviewers
(5) The article is recommended for publication by two blind-reviewed experts and endorsed by the editorial advisory board. The journal will send back the review opinions for the author’s reference, perform modification and scheduling. If the two reviewers disagree, the journal will invite a third reviewer to review, and then the editorial advisory board will meet to decide whether to publish it. The editorial advisory board reserves the right to make the final decision.
(6) Do not submit manuscript that you have submitted to different journals.


Printed Journal Copies
In response to global energy conservation and environmental protection, please submit the electronic Word file to our email address at If you have other related printed journal issues, please contact Cheng-Hua Liu, the administrative editor at 02-2938-7123.


After the manuscript is scheduled for publication, it will go through internal formatting and then be sent to the author for proofreading, and thus the authors should review it carefully (especially the diagrams, formulas, and reference books). The proofread manuscript shall be emailed back together with the journal’s Copyright Authorization Statement.



(1) Once the manuscript for a research paper is published, two hard copies will be sent to authors.
(2) If the manuscript is reprinted after it has been published, please indicate the words “Originally in Audio-visual Media and Technologies Issue OO” in accordance with academic practice.


Copyright Use
This journal adheres to the idea that academic results should be “freely used, shared equally, regardless of boundaries.” After the research works are published in this journal, all listed authors agree to adopt the Creative Commons 4.0 license (labeled for non-commercial use and prohibition of alteration for public authorization), and agree to grant non-exclusive authorization to National Chengchi University and the Department of Radio and Television of National Chengchi University through the website or other public sharings. For the authorization of Creative CC, please refer to Creative CC website.