Examining students’ 360° news learning and journalistic practice: A Bourdieuian field theory approach

Yu-Ling Lin
360° journalism; immersive experience; journalistic habitus; journalistic doxa; field theory
This study focuses on students enrolled in the optional course ‘360° Panoramic Photojournalism Practice’ as research subjects and examines the impact of innovative 360° learning on journalistic habitus and professional practice from Bourdieu's field theory perspective. There are four findings: (1) A potential synergistic effect arises between journalistic capitals and journalistic habitus; (2) Existing journalistic habitus both influences and constrains 360° learning; (3) Despite the influence of traditional journalistic doxa and habitus, students struggle to escape linear narrative thinking, but they recognize that 360° journalism promotes greater objectivity, transparency, and audience focus; (4) 360° journalistic practice has cultivated professional reflexivity in students.