The Relationship between Imagination and Learning Environment of Video/Film Students
Yi-Chun Chou, Chao-yun Liang
imagination, video education, learning environment
The purpose of this study is to explore the indicators of imagination, to analyze what environmental factors can stimulate imagination, to explore how these factors stimulate imagination in different production phases, and to examine the relationship of environmental factors and imagination. The research targets are 1,037 students in the field of video production from 10 universities across Taiwan. The results of this study showed that imagination could be divided into reproductive and creative imagination. The influences in the learning environment were deconstructed into five factors: physical component, learning resources, organizational measure, social climate, and human aggregate. Our results also showed that the majority of students express their needs for learning materials and discussing with classmates in the pre-production phase; the situated learning activity is important for imagination stimulation in the production phase; and both discussing with classmates and the situated activity are essential in the post-production phase.